10 March 2008

In 2008, the worms have become increasingly used to steal confidential information

Despite the fact that on the basis of January caused the most damage to computers Trojans, and significantly increased the number of infections caused by worms kraduschimi information. Creating threats to online fraud, theft of personal data, etc. - this is one of the constituent parts of the dynamics of the new malware.

This year began with the proceeds alarming data: in addition to increasing the number of Trojans, also has been a growing use of worms to steal confidential data users. According to the data collected using online antivredonosnogo decision Panda ActiveScan, the Trojans have led to 24.41% infection and worms - 15.01%. These figures differ significantly from those of 2007, when the worms cause less than 10% of infections.

According to PandaLabs - Panda Security Laboratory, which is the analysis and detection of malicious software, this situation is due to the increasing activity of a family of worms Nuwar, also known as Storm Worms or literally Storm worms. Computer worm can spread very quickly on their own. But unlike those worms, which used to cause epidemics were widely reported in the media, today's worms do not seek to harm or destroy data computers. Quite the contrary, their purpose - unnoticeable theft of confidential information for online fraud.

Such worms usually get into the computer as an e-mail message that use social engineering technology related to the current events. These messages contain links to pages which are pre-loaded with other malicious codes to steal personal information or forged pages used to attack harmless.

"While we were and assumptions about these developments, we do not think that cyber criminals as quickly turn to the worm. This is very dangerous because, in spite of the fact that the worms more evident than Trojans, and the same is much easier to neutralize worms, but they in a position to commit indiscriminate 'storm' attack to quickly assemble an enormous amount of confidential information, "said Luis Corrons, director of PandaLabs technical, and adds:" In order to increase the efficiency of hackers in a very short period of time withdraw treatment in a large number of worms, thereby increasing the likelihood of contamination.

It also causes infections in January were: advertising software (21.21%), the backdoor Trojans (4.03%), spyware software (3.13%) and the bot (2.65%). Identity theft report.
Most active malicious codes

The most active malicious code, by the end of January, was Troyan Downloader.MDW designed for loading into other malicious code. Bagle.HX Perlovga.A and took second and third places.

Place Name

1 Trj / Downloader.MDW

2 Bagle.HX.worm

3 Perlovga.A.worm

4 Puce.E.worm

5 Trj / Spammer.ADX.

6 Brontok.H.worm

7 Bagle.QV.worm

8 Trj / Downloader.RWJ

Adware 9 / VideoAddon

10 Lineage.GYE.worm

Then comes Puce.E worm, Trojan and worm Spammer.ADX for email Brontok.H. Zamykayut QV-list version of Bagle worms, Trojans Downloader.RWJ, ad code VideoAddon and Lineage.GYE worm, designed to steal passwords to online game Lineage.

Panda Security offers several free utilities for checking PC: http://www.infectedornot.com

About PandaLabs

Since 1990, its mission has been as much as possible the rapid analysis of new threats to protect customers. Several teams, each of which specializes in a specific type of malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, phishing, spam, etc.), working around the clock, providing continuous technical support. In achieving this, they come to the aid of technology TruPrevent ™ acting as a global early warning system made up of strategically distributed sensors, neutralizing new threats and send them to PandaLabs for analysis.

According to Av.Test.org, currently PandaLabs is speedy laboratory to provide updates to users throughout the industry.

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